Today I'm going to observe a photo. Which one? This one:
"After publishing photos of two deceased United States soldiers, the Associated Press retracted the photos after learning that one of the photos was digitally altered. In the photo shown at the link at left, the body of the soldier on the left is copied from the soldier on the right. The photos were released by the U.S. Army at Fort Stewart in Georgia."
The subjects of both photos are men. The photos are very similar to each other, because the most part of the first one was copied from the second. So, let's analyzed them.
The content is the USA flag and American heroes. The photos were made in official way, they are serious and severe. The connotation is to show people that they are heroes and patriots, that they were killed in a war (probably in Iraq, and the photos are new). The men are calm and serious, the second man has got kind face – so it’s a lot to make people feel sorry about them. These are official documentary photos, such as photos for passports. The photographer is a man, who is doing photos like these every day to retain soldier’s faces for documents; he has got 100% of control over the photos. The photos are colour, reserved and patriotic, not very bright. They shouldn’t be editing after taking, because they are official.
But the first photo has been manipulated: the head of the man was added to the second photo, replacing the head of the second man. The photo was done some work, the colours were made brighter and the name was changed. Moreover, the T-shirt was changed too. But the manipulating is bad, we can distinctly see that the colours of the head are too bright and there is too much white colour, there isn’t any shadow between the head and the collar.
Why has it been done? I think to show that black men were protecting USA too. Or maybe nobody has got a photo of the first man in uniform, so somebody has done it to prove that this person was in the Army. But the photo doesn’t change the history a lot, if it didn’t replace the second one. It was just added to the collection of deceased soldiers.
By whom it has been done? An interesting question. If it has been done to prove that black people were soldiers too - this is USA government handwork. But if it has been done for memory or there weren’t any photos with this man in uniform – it can be done by a friend or by somebody from the family. I can suggest a mad idea too: the photo can be changed by the government or the Army to help themselves to show that they can calculate a falsification.
If this has been done to remember the man, it’s good. If he was protecting the country, why his family can’t have a photo with him in a uniform, even if it’s changed? But if the photo is manipulated to prove something, and this has been done for government – it’s awful, because the photo touches upon death. You can’t joke like this with so dark theme only to get success.
"After publishing photos of two deceased United States soldiers, the Associated Press retracted the photos after learning that one of the photos was digitally altered. In the photo shown at the link at left, the body of the soldier on the left is copied from the soldier on the right. The photos were released by the U.S. Army at Fort Stewart in Georgia."
The subjects of both photos are men. The photos are very similar to each other, because the most part of the first one was copied from the second. So, let's analyzed them.
The content is the USA flag and American heroes. The photos were made in official way, they are serious and severe. The connotation is to show people that they are heroes and patriots, that they were killed in a war (probably in Iraq, and the photos are new). The men are calm and serious, the second man has got kind face – so it’s a lot to make people feel sorry about them. These are official documentary photos, such as photos for passports. The photographer is a man, who is doing photos like these every day to retain soldier’s faces for documents; he has got 100% of control over the photos. The photos are colour, reserved and patriotic, not very bright. They shouldn’t be editing after taking, because they are official.
But the first photo has been manipulated: the head of the man was added to the second photo, replacing the head of the second man. The photo was done some work, the colours were made brighter and the name was changed. Moreover, the T-shirt was changed too. But the manipulating is bad, we can distinctly see that the colours of the head are too bright and there is too much white colour, there isn’t any shadow between the head and the collar.
Why has it been done? I think to show that black men were protecting USA too. Or maybe nobody has got a photo of the first man in uniform, so somebody has done it to prove that this person was in the Army. But the photo doesn’t change the history a lot, if it didn’t replace the second one. It was just added to the collection of deceased soldiers.
By whom it has been done? An interesting question. If it has been done to prove that black people were soldiers too - this is USA government handwork. But if it has been done for memory or there weren’t any photos with this man in uniform – it can be done by a friend or by somebody from the family. I can suggest a mad idea too: the photo can be changed by the government or the Army to help themselves to show that they can calculate a falsification.
If this has been done to remember the man, it’s good. If he was protecting the country, why his family can’t have a photo with him in a uniform, even if it’s changed? But if the photo is manipulated to prove something, and this has been done for government – it’s awful, because the photo touches upon death. You can’t joke like this with so dark theme only to get success.
can you also post the picture here, so we can all see it too?