Thursday, 13 October 2016


I love to learn something new and when I decided that my next Photoshop project would be gears, I began to read and watch material of how they are made and how they work.
Thus I have begun to calculate and end up with a special chain. I learn a lot about gears though the whole work!
A video was a result of it and a gif, which you, my dear reader, can find below, is merely an example. The video is longer than the 5 sec. gif, and, obviously, is distinguished by a better quality. All gears were made separately, drawn by me, their resolutions are, on average, 1000 pixels.

As you, dear reader, can see, several gears are rotating with a different speed rather than others. They also create a special pattern and every one of them is important.
The gear on the right was influenced by madhatter's lesson (from the site steampunk gear, although I made it thicker and the teeth longer, while the inner side are halfs of four triangles.

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