Friday, 5 October 2012


Welcome to my site.
Firstly, I'm going to show you what is it about.
But in the beginning I want to ask you: what is science of observation? As for me, this is a science about everything, that we see, so, it's about media. "Media?" - will ask me you. Precisely. But I'm not going to waste your time, speaking about newspaper and news, TV shows and other things. I want to give you a free trip to the world.
Most of you are going out every day to work/school/university. Just walk. You don't see anything: people, nature, animals, air and other things that are around us. When you're watching a film, reading a book, listening to music - you are relaxing. Or not?
I don't. I'm trying to OBSERVE it. If you are doing the same, want to do or just looking for something interesting - welcome to my site. Sit down and watch. Because the curtain is raising.

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